
Sunday, 4 January 2015

recent reflections -

So as I finally start to get on top of my inventory messes - I managed to connect with one of my SL neighbours, who happens to be a truly wonderful photographer - she goes by the name of Xmara Lundquist - and here is her awesome flickr - happy coincidence plus, bonus!  she very kindly and patiently took some time to explain a few basics in SL photography, so I hope to get a bit better at this aspect here while I continue with blogging.
So looking into the new year, with my closet now ready for some new finds - I wanted to showcase the fabulous group gift skins from a shop called Pumec -  I'm not sure how new they are, but for me they are new - I was not only blown away by the quality and uniqueness of these skins, the generosity of there being 4 different gift skins - checking out the folders, it got better and better -  they come with modifiable shapes, eyelash tattoo layers, different brow options and also a very special 'mega' hud covering appliers for a huge range of avatar enhancements - totally convenient !  (hopefully they will add an applier for the new Maitreya mesh body - *wink-wink*) - regularly priced skins here are very affordable considering the depth of offerings for each of their products - super nice values at Pumec, tysm!  ;-)

I paired these skins with some of the Advent freebies from Olive Hair - last I checked these were still available - again - I love the generosity of this shop putting out so many awesome gifts - there were also some gifts exclusively for their group - as well as non 'advent' group gifts - well worth checking out...(the groups entrance fee is 200L) - these freebies come with a fun 'glitter' texture hud in several hair colours as well as 'streak' colour options.  I found a very nice little party dress; a gift from Zibska - no group needed - which comes with the fun shoulder pom option and a 6 colour-change hud as well - (mesh dress in 5 standard sizes)  

I picked black as it seemed to suit the dramatic look of the hair and skin combination - and matched up well with some group gift bracelets from  Maxi Gossamer (eyelashes also from here - party-inverted crown) - and  more bangles from DRD  gg too- they added a little bit of definition against the black dress sleeves - the necklace is no longer available from a set sold by Enfant Terrible -   Finally,  I put on these super cute black mules from N-Core  a former gift that will apply to their new mesh foot system (not free) - I love these feet - great quality- highly detailed and realistic look, plus they have skin texture appliers for many top skin brands (all for free, yay)!  If you already had a set of N-Core mesh feet - these upgraded feet are complimentary.  The feet come in flat, medium or extreme heel and last I checked there were a group gift pair of shoes for each of these versions. (group fee is 50L) 

Lately, I feel quite spoiled by all of the super high quality, intricate and option rich gifts to be found all around the second life grid - I can't wait to find the next most awesome deals - or amazing new shop or product - I can't wait to see what 2015 creators will have to offer us this year ! 

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